Water Quality

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Storm drain with writing: No Dumping drains to River

2022 Consumer Confidence Report for Drinking Water System

Surface Water Management Plan

The city is continuing the process of implementing its Surface Water Management Plan. This is a 5-year plan to raise awareness of water quality issues facing Gold Hill, and to assist in the cleanup of the Rogue River. Currently, the Rogue is listed as an impaired water body by the DEQ under the Clean Water Act, with the primary obstacles being high temperatures and bacteria pollution.

The Clean Water Act in and of itself does not ensure clean water. It depends on informed and involved communities to organize, speak up and take action for clean water.

Storm Drains:

The rainy season is upon us again... It is important to remember that storms drains are for rain! When it rains, storm water runoff picks up anything from our yards, like fertilizers and pesticides, and anything on the streets, like oil and grease from cars, animal waste, trash and debris. These pollutants are carried directly into our main waterway ---> the Rogue River.

The Rogue River is the City's source of drinking water and provides habitat for fish and other wildlife. This is why it is so important to understand how our every day behaviors directly affect the quality of our waterway and source of drinking water.

Pictured above is an example of a stencil that was painted at all of the storm drains in Gold Hill. This serves as a reminder that only rain should go down storm drains, and all rain drains to the river!

What is a Watershed?

A watershed is the area of land that drains into a lake or stream. Watersheds can be small - like the area that drains into the creek behind your house. Or watersheds can be large - consider all the land and streams that drain into the Rogue River! Visit the Rogue River Keeper to learn more about the Rogue River Watershed.

How much Water do you use?

Home Water Use Calculator
We are always looking to save money on our water bill, especially in Gold Hill! Home water conservation is easy once you understand how and where you can use less. The quick and easy water calculator shows you which water uses in your home are efficient and which are not, and offers simple conservation tips that save water and energy.

How do I read my Water Meter?

Knowing how to read your water meter can help you determine exactly how much water you use, and understand what changes you can make each day to conserve more water. Reading your meter could also help to identify if there is a leak on your property and where to find it.


Low Impact Development is a term used to describe stormwater management techniques which use plants and soil to capture and filter runoff, and allow water to infiltrate into the ground - mimicking the way Earth naturally manages rainfall. Examples of these small-scale stormwater technologies include Rain Barrels, Rain Gardens, Bioswales and Native Plantings.

Our Partners:

If you have any questions, contact the Gold Hill Water Quality Improvement Coordinator at City Hall: 541-855-1525