Demographics: Gold Hill, OR


City Population - 1,284 people (2017 estimate)
Urban Area Population - 43,811 people (Grants Pass urban area) (country rank: 489th) (2000 estimate)
Metro Area Population - 204,822 people (Medford metro area) (country rank: 207th) (2011 estimate)


County - Jackson County, Oregon
State - Oregon
Country - United States of America

Geographic Properties

Elevation - 1,093 ft
Area - 0.76667 mi^2
Population Density - 1,675 people per square mile

Geographic Features

Waterfall - Ti'lomikh Falls
River - Rogue River

Township Features

Ben Hur Lampman Park
Gold Hill Family Beach Park
Gold Hill Sports Park
Gold Nugget County Recreation Area
Gold Hill Library Park

Racial Demographics

American Indian/Alaska Native - 0.4%
Asian - 1.9%
Black/African American - 0.4%
Hispanic Origin - 3.3%
White - 91.3%   
Two or More Races - 6.1%


0 to 14 - 22.6%
15 to 64 - 63.5%
65+ - 13.9%


Male - 50.4%
Female - 49.6%

Educational Attainment

College Degree and Above - 29.3% (0.775 x The National Average)
High School Diploma - 30.8% (≈National Average)
Less Than High School Diploma - 9.9% (≈National Average)
(Population Age 25 and Older)

Income Statistics

Median Household Income - $50,833 per year (US dollars per year) (0.919 × national average)
Per Capita Income - $21,505 per year per person (US dollars per year per person) (0.721 × national average)
Population Below Poverty Line - 16.6% (≈ national average)

Economic Properties

Sales Tax - 0%

Nearby Features: Cities

Central Point, Oregon | 8 miles east-southeast - 17,411 people
Medford, Oregon | 12 miles southeast - 76,462 people
Grants Pass, Oregon | 14 miles west - 34,805 people
(straight-line distances between city centers)


Rogue Valley International Airport - 10 miles east-southeast
(straight-line distances between city center and airport)


Providence Medford Medical Center - 12 miles southeast
Rogue Valley Medical Center - 14 miles southeast
Asante Three Rivers Community Hospital - 15 miles west
Ashland Community Hospital - 23 miles southeast
(straight-line distances between city center and hospital)

Geographic Features:

Mountain - Mount Ashland (7,500 feet) - 34 miles south-southeast
Mountain - Mount McLoughlin (9,495 feet) - 38 miles east
Waterfall - Alkali Falls (600 feet) - 56 miles northeast
Volcano - Shasta (14163 feet) - 84 miles south-southeast
(straight-line distances between city center and feature coordinates)


Pacific Ocean (65 miles west-southwest)
(straight-line distance between city center and shore)

Primary Source: Wolfram|Alpha Knowledge Base, 2020